Social Spotlight: Snapchat
Social media app Snapchat boasts 150 million daily users and exponential growth in the app market. When Snapchat introduced Snapchat...

Callie Brzezinski
Social Strategy: Design an Outreach Plan
This week, we are breaking up our #SocialSpotlight series to talk about strategy. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot in Public...

Social Spotlight: Instagram
Continuing with our #SocialSpotlight series, let’s talk about Instagram. Within the past two years, Instagram has completely changed the...

Social Spotlight: Twitter
Twitter has become a source of contact with celebrities, politics, the arts and more. Housing accounts and hashtags for many people and...

Social Spotlight: Facebook
As one of the founding fathers of social media, Facebook seems to be used by everyone and their grandmother. While you may feel like a...

Influencers - A New Level of Marketing
We have covered a lot during our #SocialSpotlight series, but it's only touched the surface of the vast new world of social media...