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How Nonprofits Can Have the Most Impact Through Social Media

We here at InMotion have a unique expertise in taking not-for-profit organizations to the next level. In today's climate, we have found social media to be a crucial component in doing so. Here are some steps we take when strategizing a nonprofit's social media plan.

  1. Consider your target market. While your organization’s aim at a good cause may seem far away from corporations seeking profit, adhering to some basic marketing strategies can help obtain visibility and, in turn, growth. Consider age, location, gender, socioeconomic status, interests, and values. Amongst which groups do you want word to spread? For instance, a charity seeking volunteers to travel overseas may decide to target teenagers and college students (who are commonly single, adventurous, and without a long-term career or commitments). Contrarily, a local animal shelter may seek donations and adoptions from senior citizens and families.

  2. Location, location, location. But not in the real estate sense. Where you choose to outreach will have a big impact on who gets your message. Consider where your intended market consumes their media. Local news websites? Cooking blogs? Short, comedic videos? This can also impact how you choose to connect. For instance, an animal shelter may use a funny cat video to resonate with potential teen volunteers.

  3. Be visible to everyone. While you will want to cater your outreach to a specific group(s) of people, it is impossible to nail down exactly how that market will potentially find you. This is why it is important to be visible on multiple channels. Create Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages and link them all if it is too much to manage them individually (we are here to help!).

  4. Diversify your posts to increase interest. A homogenous Instagram profile filled with zoomed-in pictures of dogs’ faces will not sustain followers. Rather, an Instagram with pictures of animals, people, videos, and GIFS (made popular by Boomerang) will be more interesting for people to scroll through. Hashtag campaigns are a great way to engage followers on Twitter and Instagram, and trivia questions are fun for the Facebook users.

  5. Reach out to get noticed. Money doesn’t grow on trees, especially in the nonprofit forest. So why waste it on advertisements you might otherwise get for free? Look into getting free advertisements on social media and websites. Also consider reaching out to “influencers” of your target market. Getting profiled in the local newspaper will reach a local, more mature market, while getting a Youtube star to mention you in a video will reach an international and young crowd.

  6. Make it simple and easy for people to get involved. Add a Donate button to your Facebook page, have a link to join your mailing list in your Instagram bio, etc. People are more likely to participate when it’s just a click away (and you still have a pull on their heartstrings) than if they have to dig around.

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