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#FindMeIn - New York City edition

There’s no doubt about it - we are living in a global world. Everything happens faster and reaches wider, and the workforce starts young - with 5 million students studying abroad worldwide. We're traveling, we're socializing and we're innovating, all without letting borders stop us.

Navigating the globalized marketplace is critical for success, which is why we are starting the #FindMeIn campaign for our readers. #FindMeIn will explore a different city in each post so that you can touch down like a pro. For this first post, let's #FindMeIn New York City!

  1. New York City is crowded. This can be both good and bad news for professionals new to the city. On one hand, there is a lot of competition. New York City is lit up with the bright minds of its inhabitants, which can be intimidating to the newcomer. However, crowded means that there are many “crowds” - if you keep looking, you're likely to find people who are excited about your potential and welcome your ideas.

  2. Everyone has somewhere to be 10 minutes ago. A common complaint we get from local Southern Californian clients just beginning to do business with their NYC counterparts is how direct and quick their communication is. New Yorkers are often very busy people who don’t see the value in small talk or sugarcoating. So, no, that two-sentence email response from your East Coast colleague probably does not mean that he hates you. On the flip side, it is important to be on time to any meetings or conference calls. No one wants to waste a New York Minute.

  3. Dress to impress. Here in sunny SoCal, it is not uncommon to see corporate office workers in dark jeans and even t-shirts. With the exception of some startups, this is not the case in New York. You'll want to “suit up” (or at least wear a dress shirt) for business in New York until you get a hold of your company’s or client’s culture. Walk in confidently (and on time!), shake hands, and get to business.

It goes without saying that these are general statements and won't apply to every professional encounter you have in the city. Let us know your experience using #FindMeIn !

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