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#FindMeIn Los Angeles

With summertime winding down, folks across the United States are dreading the return to cold and cloudy weather (which, incidentally, reduce motivation). We here at InMotion are lucky enough to be based in sunny Southern California. We enjoy great weather all year around, as well as numerous opportunities unique to the region. For this edition of #FindMeIn, we are speaking to Myriam F. Mourani, a tax accountant based in Los Angeles who also travels to New York City.

1. What have you accomplished in Los Angeles that you could not have done anywhere else?

The comparably low cost of education in the Cal State system prepared me well to pursue opportunities across a wide range of industries. I have worked with rock stars, high tech medical developers, startups, and photographers, all in the same great place. As a business and financial hub, Los Angeles is a great location to meet new contacts.

2. What are some specific advantages and obstacles that professionals should look out for?

Los Angeles’ main advantage is its diverse economy. Real estate agents and developers should always keep L.A. and the Southern California region on their radar. Entrepreneurs should also look to L.A. as an alternative to Silicon Valley, where competition abounds.

As for the disadvantages, businesses and professionals should budget for high taxes, business costs, and living expenses (compared to the rest of the U.S.). However, traffic is the most frequent complaint!

3. What about Los Angeles surprises outsiders the most?

It may seem silly, but the good weather here really lifts the mood, creating an unbeatable work culture - we have over 300 days of sun each year! Southern Californians also benefit from the proximity to various activities - a two hour drive away from the city, mountains, desert, or beach. These climates provide balanced investment opportunities in a concentrated area.

4. What do you predict for the future of Los Angeles?

As with all business districts, Los Angeles will have to confront the trend of professionals working remotely through technology. People can both move to and from the region while keeping their jobs. Our young workforce is very tech and business-savvy, so we will remain a business mecca.

Reach for the California stars. At InMotion, we expand your breadth of communication as wide as possible. Contact us today to speak about your business’ future in Los Angeles.

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